Preview Releases
You can find the preview release history for the Patch My PC Publisher below.
You can find the Preview release notes below, and you can also learn more about the Preview channel here: Publisher Preview Channel - 2025-1-17
Scriptrunner will now expand environment variables provided in custom command line arguments and pre-post script arguments. Additionally the below variables are available.
Add support for Patch My PC to configure the ‘Run installation and uninstall program as 32-bit process on 64-bit clients’ option within ConfigMgr. This will not be a customer exposed option in the Publisher, but something that Patch My PC can set to ensure applications install as expected.
The search functionality in the product treeviews now consider custom applications. Previously the list of custom products would not be included in the search.
Improved logging during a Publisher synchronization for products that are marked end-of-life by Patch My PC.
Update some labels and logging to be in line with the latest terminology used in Intune.
The Update ID and Update Title are now written to the PatchMyPC-Scriptrunner log file.
The username of the user who performed a save in the Publisher is now written to the event log, and to the PatchMyPC log file. Additionally an empty file with a GUID name is included in the CAB so the save event can be matched to CAB file.
Fixed a bug that caused the service not to start if no settings.xml file existed.
This only impacted preview builds and did not ship to production.
Fixed a bug where the metadata of the settings backup CAB file was using absolute paths, making the CAB appear empty when viewed through Windows explorer.
This only impacted preview builds and did not ship to production.
Fixed a bug where cloud Product Selections were only displayed in the Publisher if the product was both deployed in the cloud, and selected in the Publisher. Products which are not selected in the Publisher will now properly show as managed by the cloud if a deployment exists.
Fixed a bug causing the CVE Import tool not to load.
This only impacted preview builds and did not ship to production. - 2024-12-19
Support applications in the catalog that download a zip file.
Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1463
Note: Additional backend and procedural changes are needed before this will be used. The Publisher can consume a catalog with software that downloads a zip file. We will not add any products like this until Q1-Q2 2025.
Improve how the Publisher reads and writes settings.
Prevent the Publisher from overwriting user setting changes while a sync is happening. Previously, if a user was in the UI and clicked save while a sync was running, the user’s changes could be lost.
Prevent the Publisher from losing Intune configuration due to an abandoned mutex.
If found, the ‘Collect Logs’ button will now include the WSUS softwaredistribution.log.
Improve the product search function in the Publisher to keep the search box open when no match is found.
Scriptrunner has improved logic for handling the log location for user-based installations. If the default values are left in the Publisher, the log path will be updated to a user-writable location. This includes the scriptrunner log and the installer log.
Updated Publisher settings backup retention to retain settings from previous weeks and months.
Update the Swedish translation for Manage Conflicting Processes based on customer feedback.
Fixed a bug where Graph queries would fail if they contained a date-time filter and the machine running the Publisher had the OS set to specific cultures.
Fixed a bug where a ‘BaseInstallOnlyNotForUpdating_’ prefix would appear when using the %OriginalName% variable.
Fixed a bug where an invalid logging path was allowed, causing the Publisher not to log anything to disk.
Fixed a bug where canceling out of the Dynamic Assignments form would still apply the settings.
The test email for SMTP configuration had a blank subject and body.
Fixed a bug causing the Manage Assignments form to hang while resolving Entra group names in some scenarios.
Fixed a bug where the Publisher would include non-Windows applications in the scan results for Intune auto publishing.
Fixed a bug that caused webhook summary notifications not to respect the tenant filter.
Fixed a bug that caused the Publisher to attempt to code sign Patch My PC defined scripts when the code signing option was disabled in the Publisher.
Fixed a bug that caused the install time offset for Intune assignments to be displayed incorrectly in some cultures. - 2024-10-25
Revert changes in Scriptrunner for the execution of PowerShell scripts. The scripts will be called using the -File parameter.
The changes that improve WDAC support will be re-evaluated for a future release.
Note: Products published with version Scriptrunner may not correctly execute PowerShell scripts with arguments.
Revert the changes for translating Manage Conflicting Process notifications by default. We are returning to the original behavior. It will not be translated if the customer does not include a language in their configuration. - 2024-10-24
The Win32AppId is now included in the PatchMyPC-PublishingHistory.csv file.
Improved the handling of signed scripts when publishing. Sometimes, the Publisher would fail to replace a file and throw an exception. We now ensure the destination file is deleted before moving in the updated file.
Scriptrunner now calls PowerShell scripts without using the -File parameter. This improves compatibility in environments that use WDAC. - 2024-10-03
Intune Updates will now have the icon for the product associated with them.
If the customer does not provide translations for a given language and this language is pre-translated by Patch My PC, we use those strings when we display the UI notification for Manage Conflicting Processes.
This results in the default behavior of the notifications being translated to the locale of the device if Patch My PC provides a translation.
Added Czech, Finnish, and Norwegian translations for Manage Conflicting Processes.
Fixed Danish translation for Manage Conflicting Processes.
Imported banner images are stored in the installation directory of the Publisher instead of referencing the source file.
Removed the references for the SSRS reports and replaced them with Advanced Insights.
Fixed a bug that caused the synchronization to stop if a tenant failed authentication. This impacted Publisher with an MSP license and a multi-tenant setup.
Fixed a discrepancy between the PowerShell detection scripts and the ScriptRunner detection logic.
Fixed a bug with the filtering options for webhook notifications. The notifications should now be correctly filtered when the summary option and scope are set. For example, ‘Send alerts as each product is published…’ is unchecked, and only ‘Include Intune update notifications’ is checked. - 2024-08-29
Add support for passing additional headers when downloading binaries. This is metadata maintained by Patch My PC.
Update Intune detection to account for registry detection checking for a nonexistent property. We now allow a NotEquals check for a property that might not exist. Previously, this would cause an unhandled exception. - 2024-08-07
Added support for Microsoft Teams Workflows as a new webhook provider option. With the announced retirement of Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams, we now support the new Workflow options. Our Teams notifications have been updated with new Adaptive Card templates.
Configured return codes are updated on sync for ConfigMgr applications, Intune applications, and Intune updates. If there is a mismatch between the settings in the Publisher and the published application, then the return codes from the settings will be applied. It is no longer necessary to republish a product to update the return codes.
Fix a bug that caused republishing a custom ConfigMgr application with additional files to fail in some scenarios.
Fixed a bug where the return codes in settings could be duplicated if the treeview was refreshed, or you switch tenants in a multi-tenant setup. - 2024-06-14
Manage return codes
Use a temporary staging directory for binary downloads when processing ConfigMgr applications
Improved handling of the cloud connection.
Improved how ConfigMgr content is resolved to ensure we choose non-retained applications if present.
The tooltip and icon for Manage Conflicting Processes suggested configurations are now more contextual.
If configured to Kill or Notify, the tooltip and icon are removed
If configured to Skip, the icon is shown, and the tooltip says, “Manage Conflicting Processes is recommended for this product and will be configured to Skip by default”
If configured to ‘Perform the installation,’ the icon is shown, and the tooltip says, “Manage Conflicting Processes is recommended for this product but is currently not configured”
Fixed a bug that caused the ‘Prevent the end-user from opening an application while the application is updating’ feature to not work for ConfigMgr or Intune applications in some instances. - 2024-05-21
Implement coexistence
Coexistence ensures the customer is aware when a product is already managed by Intune Apps for Patch My PC Cloud.
Fixed a bug that caused a circular reference when processing Intune dependency relationships with greater than 2 layers.
Fixed a bug that caused ConfigMgr applications to be copied for retention even if the current version fails to download.
Ensure proper wildcard support for ? in detection. - 2024-04-30
Support for ‘Allow available uninstall’ in Intune
Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-3213
Improve our regex usage in the detection of applications published by Patch My PC.
The regex string is now stored in base64 in the PowerShell script to prevent Intune from clobbering UTF8 characters.
Fixed a bug that caused custom applications with a main file larger than 2GB to fail to process. - 2024-04-03
It is now possible to adjust the chunk size used for uploading chunks to Azure. It can be adjusted between 2MB and 12MB.
PowerShell detection scripts no longer call whoami. This resolves issues where the PATH environment variable may have conflicting whoami processes.
The ‘recreate detection‘ right-click option can be used to generate new scripts with this change. Otherwise, products will have the script updated when a new version is released.
Product selections are stored and matched based on a product Id
Improve how we search for ConfigMgr application content.
Fixed a bug that caused a null reference exception if a recommended pre script, and a recommended post script were configured on a product.
The configured proxy will be used to get an access token during cloud connection creation.
Disconnecting from the cloud tab did not save to settings. - 2024-03-20
When creating the cloud connection in the Publisher, the System Default browser will now be used.
If needed, the embedded web browser can still be used with a registry flag.
The ‘Collect Logs‘ button now collects all PowerShell detection scripts modified within the last 7 days. The scripts are renamed to have a .txt extension before being added to the zip file.
Icons in the product treeview now indicate if the product requires local content, or is configured to skip the install if running by default. - 2024-02-27
Cloud features were not using the configured proxy. The proxy configured in the Publisher will now be used. - 2024-02-15
Use less memory when uploading .intunewin files to Intune.
Improve the user experience when the ConfigApi is not available
The UI can now start without the ConfigApi being available. A popup message will still appear indicating it cannot be reached.
When this is not available, the cloud features of the Publisher will be disabled.
Fixed a bug that caused some right-click options to not clear their state as expected for custom apps.
Editing Manage Conflicting Process options did not light up the Apply button.
Fixed a bug that caused the Publisher to fail to retry when uploading chunks to Azure.
Fixed a bug where a custom application download may compare hash against an older version of the custom application’s hash. - 2024-02-02
Improve how the list of custom products is queried from the cloud.
Improve the cloud connection flow to account for the EU region.
Various typo corrections in the UI and in the log.
Improve logging for retained ConfigMgr applications.
Expand out aggregate exceptions when they are logged.
Improved user experience both for a disconnected cloud configuration and an empty custom app list.
Fixed a bug that made connecting to an EU Patch My PC cloud customer inconsistent.
Fixed a bug causing the copy between tab options not to work as expected when custom applications are configured.
Fixed a bug where ESP associations would copy between the Intune Apps and Intune Updates tab.
Improved how .intunewin files are handled to ensure we can process large files. - 2023-12-22
Implement an attempted reconnect when a WMI query fails against the SMS provider.
Improved scriptrunner logic for finding uninstall strings. DisplayVersion will now have any "-" or "_" replaced by a "." when searching for uninstall strings. This matches the behavior of our script based detection.
Fixed a bug that caused a Null Reference Exception when exiting the Manage Conflicting Processes configuration in the Intune apps or Intune updates tab.
Fixed a bug that caused the custom naming convention for ConfigMgr applications to be overwritten during a sync in some cases.
Fixed a bug where the authorization token can expire when connecting to Custom Apps, requiring a service restart.
Fixed a bug where Right-Click selections for "All Products" on the "Intune Apps" tab would be lost when custom apps was enabled. - 2023-12-08
Ability to create Custom App updates and base installs
Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1303
The feature is in public preview.
Custom Applications are supported in the ConfigMgr apps, Intune apps, and Intune updates tabs.
The Publisher must have ‘Install preview builds‘ checked in the About tab.
A license with one of the below subscription levels is required.
Enterprise Plus
Enterprise Premium
Update the default login authority for Intune. It is now
This will not affect existing Intune configurations. It is only a change to the defaults for a new connection.
Fix logging during the creation of Intune products when local content lookup fails. The Publisher would incorrectly log that the existing application would be deleted.
Fixed a bug causing Enforced Uninstall Arguments to be ignored for ConfigMgr apps. This resulted in some ConfigMgr apps being created with an uninstall that may not work as expected. The next sync after the Publisher is updated will fix these products’ uninstall configuration.
The connection name is now required in the Cloud tab. - 2023-12-05
Add support for configuring Win32 application max runtime in minutes
*** Report lines have been updated.
As the catalog grows and the number of syncing products increases, our *** report line has gotten too long! CMTrace does not parse the line, and it will not show it. To prevent this, we have split up the report line into one line per type. Below is an example.
Implement certificate pinning. All requests to Patch My PC domains will have the certificate validated.
Implement a safety check prior to deleting a ConfigMgr application. In some instances, the SMS provider returns an empty list of apps instead of a connection exception. To account for this we ensure at least one Site is returned by the SMS provider prior to application deletion.
ConfigMgr script size is reduced. No functional changes. This should help with metadata download issues over CMG.
Add support for the ? wildcard character in detection.
Fixed a bug that caused a new install of Patch My PC Publisher to be in ‘Intune Only Mode’ regardless of the checkbox state.
Servers are no longer included in Intune device counts.
Resolved a race condition which caused the additional webhook filtering options to be unavailable in some instances.
Improved download engine logging to include the URL when the download fails. This was a regression that is now resolved.
The logging path for Intune Manage Installation Logging incorrectly defaulted to the ConfigMgr path. It is now corrected to the Intune default path for logging.
For some sync schedules, the ‘Next Sync’ time displayed in the General tab was in UTC instead of local time. The correct time should now be displayed. - 2023-11-07
Support detecting software that translates DisplayName
Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1335
Implement Publish Now for Custom Apps
Improve some popup notifications to direct the user to the correct tab.
Improve cleanup during service shutdown.
Fixed a dead ‘More Info’ link for WSUS certificate management.
Fixed a bug causing dependencies to be removed from an Intune Win32 application when republishing.
Fixed a bug where publish now and delayed ConfigMgr apps did not work as expected. - 2023-09-29
OK button has been changed to ‘Save and Close’
Open to feedback on this change. We have received a fair number of reports that it is unclear the ‘OK’ button will close the UI.
Fixed a bug where multiple threads could access some components of settings at the same time, causing a race condition. - 2023-09-14
Fixed a bug where the 'Change Visibility' option for WSUS updates would not work if the WSUS DB is called something other than SUSDB. - 2023-09-01
Improve cleanup of files during the synchronization of Intune.
Updated the “Enabled” header of CSV exports in scan wizards to be less specific.
Fixed a bug that caused the right-click menu at the root to sometimes not display correctly.
Fixed a bug with ‘Selective Sync’ where Intune Apps and Intune Updates were swapped
This would not cause the wrong thing to be published, but it might cause something to not be published at all during a selective sync. - 2023-08-29
Sync only selected apps/updates during a sync
Implement a new download engine across all components.
Detection method improvements.
Support parsing version numbers that use – or _ instead of .
Improved logging regarding installer downloads and sourcing.
Use CSV-based reporting endpoints for detected software per-computer.
This should prevent 429 responses when getting the list of devices with an application.
WMI connection test to SMS provider prior to deleting ConfigMgr content.
On the ConfigMgr Apps tab, if the option «Add the executable name in the deployment type’s install behavior» is enabled, the Manage Conflicting Process is automatically enabled to kill processes.
Fix crash when sorting some columns in the Manage Assignments tool.
Fixed a bug that would cause a republished Intune product to have the content for the latest version, and the metadata for version n-1.
This would occur if the republish flag is set, and there is new version of the application in the catalog.
The list of Intune assignment filters is now filtered to Windows.
Fixed a bug where in some scenarios the republish flag would not be removed after a sync.
Fix a possible null reference exception when loading assignments for bulk delivery optimization edits.
Fixed a bug where the custom logging path maybe reset to defaults instead of inheriting the expected value.
Update Patch My PC TOS. - 2023-08-04
Allow the management of Delivery Optimization configuration for Intune assignments.
Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-2071
Note: Existing DO configuration on an assignment will also carry forward now when a new version of the software is Published.
The Intune Application Manager Utility now has some multi-select bulk options.
Fixed a bug where the wrong ID property was shown in the ‘Show Package Info‘ tool for the update ID.
Fixed a bug where Manage Conflicting Processes may be enabled if ‘Add the executable name in the deployment type’s install behavior’ is enabled. This is unexpected behavior that will no longer occur. - 2023-06-16
Update the Intune Application Manager Utility to use the aggregate reports for both the collection of applications, as well as application extended info. This prevents a 429 when retrieving the data.
Bug Fixes
Updated Publisher to reflect changes in Graph API schema. This should resolve issues with the Patch My PC Intune reports. - 2023-06-02
Updated the Intune Scan Wizard to use graph report export endpoints. This will prevent the Publisher from getting a 429 return code when scanning for discovered applications.
The product treeviews are now sorted by Vendor and then Product Name automatically.
Fixed a bug where the sorting of products in the email report was in reverse alphabetical order. - 2023-05-17
Updated some graph calls to use a smaller page size. This reduces the chance of receiving a 429 or 503 response from graph.
The page size is configurable from 1-999 in the Advanced tab of the Publisher. - 2023-05-16
Add support for .cmd files in pre/post-scripts.
Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-2745
The Update ID is now an available column in the Show package info tool.
Fixed a bug where a ConfigMgr application’s supersedence relationship was lost when the application was upgraded in place. - 2023-04-04
Adjusted log levels of some lines to assist with troubleshooting.
Update context menu items to reflect new labels in ConfigMgr for featured apps.
Update several labels in the UI to be more clear on their functionality.
The ability to set ‘Prevent the end-user from opening an application while the application is updating’ is now only allowed at the per-product level. This setting is only needed in specific scenarios, and enabling it for all products can be problematic.
Fixed a bug where Intune device counts are not reporting properly. - 2023-03-08
Add support for creating an Available assignment for All Devices. This was previously not supported by Intune. Support has been added, and the Patch My PC UI now allows it as well.
Added the option to import CAB files when importing tenants.
Fixed a bug where an exception may occur if deleting a large number of Intune Applications using the Intune Application Manager Utility
Fixed a bug where some data exports would result in malformed date time strings. This occurred if a culture used the same character for the number group separator and for time parts.
Fixed a bug where ConfigMgr detection script logging did not use an invariant date-time format. This could cause CMTrace to fail to parse the logs.
Fixed a bug where Manage Conflicting Process logging did not use an invariant date-time format. This could cause CMTrace to fail to parse the logs.
Fixed a bug where the option to abort an uninstall if the prescript failed caused an argument parsing exception.
Fixed a bug where the automatic backup of setting changes would fail in certain cultures due to a date-time parsing issue.
Fixed a bug where custom naming conventions were copied between tabs. We no longer copy naming conventions when copying products between tabs. - 2023-01-31
Email and Webhook notifications now include information about delayed ConfigMgr applications during each sync.
Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1862
Email and Webhook notifications are now sent when a delayed ConfigMgr application fails to download. Previously a notification would only happen if the Publishing failed after the delay.
Fixed a bug where PowerShell scripts for Intune were created with an encoding of UTF8 with BOM. They are now encoded as UTF8 without BOM, which is the recommended encoding based on Microsoft documentation.
Fixed a bug where a malformed ConfigMgr folder item (SMS_ObjectContainerItem) would be created the first time the Publisher moved a ConfigMgr application. The result was a folder that could never be deleted.
Fixed a bug where having a product marked with exclude from auto-publishing rules and a custom naming convention or pause set would cause invalid XML to be generated.
Fixed a bug where the Collect Logs feature would fail if a company name contained characters that are invalid for file names.
Fixed a bug where PatchMyPC Scriptrunner logging did not use an invariant datetime format. This could cause CMTrace to fail to parse the logs. - 2023-01-06
Intune option added to ‘Copy requirements’ for Intune products. This can be configured globally, per vendor, or per product.
Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1501
Recreate Detection right-click option for Intune
Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-2605
If a PMPC-defined pre or post-script is missing from the content source for ConfigMgr applications then the Publisher will redownload it during a sync, or republish.
Fixed a bug where non-Windows devices may show up in the Intune scan wizard drill-in.
Fixed a bug where republishing an Intune product would cause the application to be deleted from Intune if retention was also enabled and set to zero.
Fixed a bug where the Publisher would not check the WSUS certificate validity unless at least one WSUS update was selected.
Fixed a bug where the requirements for Workstation or Server OS would not be set for postponed ConfigMgr applications. - 2022-12-20
Enable Right-Click Options for MSP based updates
Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-614 - 2022-12-06
Improved the content of alerts when additional files or folders are missing when Publishing a product
The ‘Configure SMS Provider connection’ button is no longer highlighted if unconfigured in WSUS Standalone Mode.
Improved the logging for SMTP initialization and error handling.
All titles in the email report now link to release notes if available.
Fixed a bug where the Publisher would not add a PMPC-defined script to an existing product.
Fixed a bug where Scriptrunner did not append the provided Silent Uninstall Arguments to MSI uninstalls.
Fixed a bug where some UI listviews had a broken filter.
Fixed a bug where Manage Conflicting Process window may be offset from the bottom right corner. - 2022-11-07
Improved how running processes are enumerated for Manage Conflicting Processes making the popup more responsive.
Implemented a ‘retry’ in the event of failure for many critical interactions with Azure via Microsoft Graph.
The Publisher will delete files from the download cache if there is a hash-mismatch for the file. This makes the root cause of Publishing failure easier to identify.
Fixed a bug where the UseGSInstalledSoftware registry option would cause the ConfigMgr database scan to never perform a query.
Fixed a bug where a failure to download an icon would cause a product to fail to publish. - 2022-10-27
Add the ability to limit the number of threads used during the upload of Intune packages.
Adding more logging around proxy configuration and failures.
Scriptrunner will now log out a comma-separated list of all public desktop shortcuts if the installing product is configured to delete desktop shortcuts.
This is to help troubleshoot when icons for applications are not deleted.
Fixed a bug where some network operations would not use the configured proxy.
Fixed a bug where the code signing of ConfigMgr detection scripts may fail to validate the digital signature on the endpoint. - 2022-10-21
Added a filter for Superseded to the Modify Updates Wizard.
Adjusted some log levels and log text to be clearer.
Added additional logging when the proxy settings are loaded in the event of a failure.
Added the option to customize the number of parallel threads to use when performing an upload of an intunewin file to Intune.
Fixed a bug where whitespace at the beginning or end of the Organization Name for Manage Conflicting Processes would cause the property to fail to parse correctly.
Fixed a bug where old setting backups would not rename properly, causing an error during settings backup in some cases. - 2022-09-28
Added a missing tooltip to the ConfigMgr scan wizard button in the ConfigMgr tab.
Added clarity to the ‘copy’ button tooltips in the Publisher.
Fixed a bug where All Devices and All Users assignments created in the Manage Assignments UI could be created with the wrong intent.
Note: If you created any new assignments in the Manage Assignment UI while on build please check that they are correctly configured.
All Devices assignments default to ‘Uninstall’ intent.
All Users assignments default to ‘Required’ intent. - 2022-09-23
Note: Did I miss 33 preview builds???? No, you did not. Patch My PC has started to increment version numbers automatically as changes are reviewed and merged. The result is preview builds having multiple internal builds before a public preview is released.
Allow the same Azure group to be assigned multiple times for Intune assignments. This allows a group to be used as both an include, and an exclude.
Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-2322
Pass variables into pre and post-scripts.
Note: the %ProductName% and %VendorName% variables are Base64 encoded when they are passed to the pre and post-scripts. It will need to be decoded. Patch My PC will provide a sample PowerShell snippet to decode the resulting parameter.
Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1348
Extract content from ConfigMgr applications.
Extract content from WSUS updates.
Allow any app to have ‘conflicting processes’ configured
Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1699
Improved child-form handling in some cases, so they now open in the center of the parent form.
Multi-selection views, such as selecting application scopes or categories, now use a consistent form that allows filtering.
Fixed a bug where the wrong URL was used for Microsoft Graph batch requests in some cases.
Fixed a bug where the buttons in Managed Conflicting Process may not fit the text in some translations.
Fixed a bug where the ConfigMgr app options window is not resizable.
Fixed a bug where the Manage Conflicting Process Organization Name would not be set when a ConfigMgr application was revised.
Fixed a bug where settings could not be saved if the internet was unreachable.
Fix some typos 🙂