Advanced Insights Releases
You can find the production release history for the Advanced Insights product below.
2.4.5 - 2025-03-04
This is a bugfix release
Add search box to device modal > Software > Inventory & Applications tab
Collection Filters Set on Custom Dashboard Selections Don't Apply or Save
Software > Client Inventory Click through doesn't load data unless Inventory Extensions installed
Update Table Pager so disabled buttons are more distinguishable
Obfuscate Network Proxy Password in Settings and Welcome page
Custom Dashboard Role Permissions' reflect actual value
Removal of delta caching when performing a warranty cache. This should fix missing devices in warranty.
Fix Issue with SMTP Settings > UseDefaultCredentials not saving, which caused SMTP errors for anonymous email servers.
Misc changes
Updated Dotnet runtime to 8.0.13
2.4.4 - 2025-02-05
This is a bugfix release
Fix for Threat analytics click through modal has no data.
Threat Analytics Vulnerabilities tables order by Base/Temporal Score column.
Tooltip styling improvements
2.4.3 - 2025-01-30
This is a bugfix release
Fix Issue with Threat Analytics failing to load due to not handling empty CVE descriptions gracefully.
Fix Collection filter not taking global filter into account when clicking table row.
2.4.2 - 2025-01-27
This is a bugfix release
Fix GetHealthReport noisy logs.
Fix for Single Sign On Lockout issues.
Enable recovery key renderer and add red icon colour for when key is available but no user permission, added icon tooltips explaining why key isn't accessible.
Fix issue with sorting table columns that have a transformed value.
Ensure table column filter icon only shows on filterable columns.
Fix issue with custom logo display and setting.
Fix table click though to list modals not taking Global Collection filter into account.
Added StartDate to warranty table.
Enable Sort and Filter on table columns where applicable.
Increased Table font size.
Fix Device Modal add devices to collection issue.
Fix Bulk Actions from Client Inventory > Applications Table click through Modal
2.4.1 – 2025-01-06
This is a major release.
Updated Base Framework
Replaced Table component with new custom table renderer.
Table export now uses transformed value for time period e.g. Hardware > Storage > PowerOn column shows 7y, 125d, 7h rather than raw value.
Added option to set more than 2 table column filters per column.
Added option to set custom IIS Application Pool Identity via Installer during installation/upgrade/modify.
Added Serial Number column to Hardware > Displays > Connected Displays table.
Added Documentation links to dashboards.
Added Server Can't Connect page to display rather than hanging on load.
Improvements to Software Usage & Metering SQL.
Breaking Changes
Added ability to set Permissions for missing pages that didn't have the ability previously. This means users will no longer have access to these pages as they wont have the required permissions, an admin will need to apply the necessary permissions to the users/roles that require access for the following dashboards:
Software > ODBC
Software > BrowserExtensions
Operating System > Dashboard
Operating System > Win11
Operating System > LocalAdmins
Operating System > Uptime
Operating System > UserProfiles
Hardware > Wireless
Bug fixes
Fix issue with Two Factor Authentication token check.
Fix issue with Warranty key being corrupted on settings upates.
Fix for Warranty when receiving incompatible data from HP server.
Fix issue with bulk actions not working on some modals due to missing Computer Online info.
Added better error handling and logging to Threat Analytics processing.
Fixed browser extensions dashboard not displaying data in table because of incorrect parsing of InstalledDate.
2.3.7 – 2024-11-13
This is an optional bugfix release
Added ability to change timeframe range for Software usage dashboard. You can now select 1, 3 (default) and 6 month as the daterange for the dashboard
Sql performance updates
Bug Fixes
Dell warranty fix for ID issue with newer warranty requests
Filters in custom dashboard that are part of the description now update correctly.
Fixed custom PMPC client actions not being invoked for a device.
Updated dotnet runtime to 8.0.11
2.3.6 – 2024-10-23
This is an optional bugfix release
Remove multiple selected devices from a collection
Add ability to set Custom Names on Custom Dashboard Items
Global Search updates -
Sort by column on load
Search Inventory
Add export option
After clicking page refresh disable button for 5 seconds
Automatic decryption (if permissions granted) of BitLocker Keys if encrypted
Device Modal shows client boundary group and internet/intranet status
Add Bulk Actions to CVE Modal
Bug Fixes
Update Vulnerable Nuget Packages
Tooltip shouldn’t show over portlet button menus
Changing Dashstat month bug not taking global filter into account
Bulk action requests fail when request payload is too large
Editing a Custom Dashboard requires it to be saved with a new name
German translation for password change message wrong
Custom dashboard Barchart description shows loading
Add a CreateCollection Permission to be used when creating collection
Fix Device Modal tabs on patch insights.
Intermittent page crash on load due to signal r issue
Some Windows versions incorrectly showing as expired
Client Inventory SQL updates to fix missing data issue.
Updated dotnet runtime to 8.0.10
2.3.5 - 2024-09-11
This is an optional bugfix release
Add Selected Devices to Collection now allows multiple Collections to be selected or created.
Allow Filtering on Client Version Column Client Deployment Modal Table
Collection Modal Bulk Add Devices to Collection icon change and update to allow comma, new line & carriage return separators on input form
Update Window 11 Readiness to include GE24H2 (Win11 24H2)
Update Bitlocker recovery key display to show decrypted if execute permission is granted.
Bug Fixes and Misc
Update dotnet to 8.0.8
Collection Modal Bulk Add Devices to Collection fixes
Fix Collection Modal Remove Device from Collection bug when removing more than 1 device.
Custom Dashboard shouldn't allow saving or editing a dashboard with same name as existing.
Fix database migration for EU Time zones
Software Updates Modal Refresh table fix
Distribution Points List fix when no drive letter found on broken Distribution Point
Show desktops and laptops on BitLocker TPM stats
OSD Dashboard bug fixes
Microsoft Update Dashboard bug fixes
2.3.4 - 2024-08-12
This is an optional bugfix release
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue for customers using older versions of SQL Server than 2016 SP1 (13.0.4001) not being able to load any dashboards (Incorrect syntax near 'HINT' ERROR).
Fixed the top row of statistics on the Warranty Dashboard.
Updated dotnet to latest version for security bug fixes (8.0.7).
2.3.3 - 2024-08-08
This is a required bugfix release
Bug fixes
Fixed an RBAC based issue with view more information when clicking on an application on the Software Applications dashboard.
Fix issue with Warranty dashstats not showing correct details
Update logic for SQL Server check that decides whether to include cardinality options
Updates to BitLocker recovery at risk data
2.3.2 - 2024-08-06
This is a required bugfix release
Bug fixes
Fixed an RBAC based issue with view more information when clicking on an application on the Client Inventory dashboard.
Fixed an RBAC issue when viewing more information about users
Fix clicking on a required update on the device modal and it loading the update details modal
2.3.1 - 2024-08-01
This is a major release.
New Features
HP Warranty support. Advanced Insights can now surface HP client device warranty data. There is some configuration required which is detailed here:
Audit logs
In the Administration node you will find the “Audit logs” area. This lists all activities in the Advanced Insights portal. The list is filterable by user and can be exported.
Create collections
You can now create new ConfigMgr collections using Advanced Insights. The Resources - Collections page has a "Create New Collection" button.
You can also create a collection from a device list and automatically add the selected clients to a new collection or add to an existing collection.
Delete user profile task
We have added a new function to allow you to delete profiles from client devices. This is useful in support scenarios for outdated or orphaned profiles.
The delete action is also available in the device view - Users - User Profiles.
BitLocker Recovery Key view
For customers with BitLocker MBAM integrated with Configuration Manager we will now allow you to view the BitLocker Recovery Key in Advanced Insights. Users must have the relevant permission in their Advanced Insights role. The key is accessible via the Device View - Hardware - Disks tab.
Device View export improvements
We now support the export of any of the tables in the device view.
Configuration Manger Console Extension
The new Configuration Manager console extension brings Advanced Insights right into the ConfigMgr console. Full documentation and download is here
Log builder for support cases
We have included a new Log Builder application, this is integrated into the Installer wrapper and will execute automatically on failure. It can also be run manually from C:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced Insights\Api\LogCollector\AdvancedInsightsLogDiag.exe. When run it creates a zip file on the desktop with environment details and logs to aid Patch My PC Support in troubleshooting.
Modal views with multiple tabs now load the tabs on-click, making initial load faster.
Filters on dashboard pages are now cached and load only once per-page rather than once per-object.
Bug fixes
Modal views now all obey RBAC when being accessed via a shared link.
Fix for modal failing to loading via a shared link.
Month-based software updates dashstat now fixed for custom dashboard load.
Misc changes
Client secrets for warranty providers are now obfuscated in the UI.
2.2.3 - 2024-06-28
This is a minor bugfix release.
Fix for Software Updates dashboard not loading for some customers.
2.2.2 - 2024-06-27
This is a minor release mainly focused on bugfixes.
New features
Modal sharing allows users to share select modals for other to see, allowing collaboration between users who are working on a task together.
Fixes for action buttons on device modal for logs and PMPC actions not working correctly SQL changes for CPU duplication and device modal SQL changes for device resources to ensure obsolete devices are excluded SQL changes for device resource popups to show unknown for manufacturer and model rather than null
Fixed warranty recache not working without settings permission.
Fixed textarea font being wrong
Multiple custom dashboards fixes, mainly around filter selection for certain items.
Global filter selection now filters modals when the dashboard has changed.
2.2.1 - 2024-06-11
This is a major release.
New features
Custom Dashboards.
Users can now create a dashboard of their own items from all viewable items for their role. For example, a user can create a dashboard with objects from Resources, Hardware, Software Updates Trend, OSD, all in one view.
Custom dashboards can also be shared with other users or roles (permissions permitting).
Revised SQL queries for large performance gains
We have made hundreds of SQL Cardinality statements to ensure SQL performance is consistent across different SQL Cardinality levels.
Custom logos
New option to specify custom logos for the identity banner in the Advanced Insights portal. The logo file is what is shown when the menu is expanded, the Icon setting is shown when the menu is minimized.
New Dashboards
Local Administrators dashboard
The new Local Administrators dashboard requires the Advanced Insights inventory extensions. The dashboard shows the groups and accounts that are members of the local admins group on all devices.
OS Uptime dashboard
The OS Uptime dashboard lists each device and its latest uptime.
Wireless adapters dashboard
The Wireless Adapters Dashboard requires the Advanced Insights Inventory Extensions. This dashboard helps to identify the wireless NICs and associated drivers with the versions. Clicking through will show further details about wirless connectivity on the individual device:
User profile dashboard
The User Profile Dashboard requires the Advanced Insights Inventory Extensions.
This dashboard shows the details for all profiles on client devices. Profiles which are unused for <90 days are highlighted as "Aged Profiles", "Orphaned Profiles" are profiels on devices for which there are no longer valid accounts.
Installer Improvements
Can now reset Admin password using Modify option in Add/Remove Programs. Can also change certificate, CNAME and port number with this option.
Software Metering Changes
Prior to this release Software Metering reports required the legacy Configuration Manager Software Inventory Agent to be enabled and performing inventory of any executable you wished to report Metering data for. This is no longer the case, Advanced Insights now uses the InstalledExecutable class, which is part of the Asset Intelligence inventory provider. The legacy Software Inventory agent can be disabled if you were only using it to enable Metering reporting.
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug with "Patch My PC Actions" not working for some customers.
Look and feel clean-up
Updated dependencies and DotNet version to DotNet 8. DotNet 7 components can now be removed from Advanced Insights servers (if not required by other applications).
Boot Performance dashboard. Microsoft removed the dependent dataset from the Configuration Manager product, so we have had to remove this dashboard.
2.1.2 - 2024-04-10
Minor optional release to fix an upgrade issue experienced by users who login via Azure Active Directory (Entra). This release fixes the error "Username '{emailaddress}' is already taken" when logging in.
2.1.1 - 2024-03-20
Minor release to permit upgrade for customers on pre-release version of 2.1.0 and to fix minor version numbering error.
2.1.0 - 2024-03-19
Major release with changes to infrastructure requirements and new functionality.
Updated dependencies
Dotnet has been update to 7.0.17 for security fixes
Advanced Insights no longer requires SQL Server for its configuration. Your config will be migrated to a new SQLite database on first load of the dashboard following upgrade. You can then remove the legacy PMPCAdvancedInsights database from your SQL environment.
New Functionality
Major performance improvements in SQL load time for Home dashboard, Software Updates dashboard and Updates page.
Update Trend dashboard
This new dashboard provides visibility of deployment compliance trend over time. You can plot how long it took from update release to first install, 50% compliance, 90% compliance and total installation. The chart can be expanded under the cog icon to show total deployment data. On first load the update with most deployment data over the past 30 days will be selected, you can use the filter pickers below the chart to select other updates, date ranges and filter by collection.
Browser Extensions Dashboard. New dashboard (requires latest inventory extension update)
Warranty dashboard now respects RBAC and Collection filters
Custom Patch My PC actions available to install update, clear the CCM cache, Repair the ConfigMgr client a "Notify" option to send a message a to a device. These functions use the BGB Channel, so will function over CMG as well as on LAN. They are also available in the Bulk Actions lists, allowing you to bulk send a notification, or clear the ConfigMgr Cache on a list of machines.
Draggable modals - you can now move the popup modal views around the screen
Bug fixes
Warranty re-caching now works again
If the MSRC API has availability issues, we will now load cached data if possible
Installer Improvements
Installer PowerShell custom actions rewritten into C#.
Installer now includes modification feature to change the SSL certificate which is used for Advanced Insights.
Dialog text and layout improvements.
2.0.3 - 2024-02-15
Minor release primarily for security and browser engine changes
On 2024-02-23, an updated installer executable was created to address a failed upgrade issue faced by customers when upgrading from versions older than 1.0.27. If you have upgraded using the previous installer and Advanced Insights no longer loads, please perform a repair on the installation via Add/Remove programs or uninstall and reinstall using this new executable. The new installer is downloadable from
Updated dependencies
Dotnet has been update to 7.0.16 for security fixes
Ag-grid has been updated to 31.0.1 for bug fixes
New features
Microsoft version data is now bundled with the application as backup in case is inaccessible
Added additional info to AD settings, detailing how it works
Bug fixes
Disabled global filter for warranty dashboard.
Added in additional error messages and checks for AD Auth failures and why
Fixed potential issue with tables not rendering and future EDGE/Chrome release
Fixed filters not being applied on search and dashboards
Multiple SQL changes for speed and accuracy
"View more data" modals that showed no data are now fixed
2.0.2 - 2024-01-17
Minor optional update to add security scope for new graphics dashboard.
2.0.1 - 2024-01-16
Version 2.0.1 is a major release of Advanced Insights with breaking changes which require actions by the administrator to deploy the new Inventory Extensions MSI, replacing the legacy PowerShell solution used in version 1.0.
Breaking changes
Deployment of Advanced Insights extensions now relies on the SMS Provider for Hardware Inventory class extensions, which without correct permissions to the SMS Provider cannot install or update existing classes.
Advanced Insights API App pool now runs as Local System instead of Network Service as the API Website has inherited the work of the Controller Website which ran as Local System.
Port 44300 is no longer required for application functionality and firewall rules can be disabled. 44301 is now the only mandatory required port.
Deprecated functionality
Proxy bypass is deprecated as there is no more localhost communication between websites.
Advanced Insights extension PowerShell package is now deprecated and is no longer supported or recommended. Replaced with WMI Provider.
Email and SMS based 2FA have been removed, Google (TOTP) based 2FA is the only support 2FA auth solution.
Major changes
Extensions now work using WMI Provider and not PowerShell scripts.
Application now consists of just the API and Frontend websites.
Large installer rewrite.
CNAME support.
Global collection filter, allowing full dashboard collection filter with persistence between dashboard changes.
Windows 11 Readiness dashboard.
ODBC Dashboard.
Graphics card dashboard with click through details on device view.
Client actions can now be performed against a list of devices in any data table.
BitLocker compliance now provides "no compliance" reason.
Device power state indicator in lists where a device is shown.
Minor changes
Targeting latest dotnet 7 version and library updates.
Remote control is now bundled with the application in the installation directory.
Additional export functionality for Warranty data.
Partial CVE Search in global search (MSRC Only).
Extensions settings page redesign.
Debug ability to limit amount of concurrent SQL queries being run against the DB
Bug fixes
Revised SQL queries for Content DP List for Application Modal.
Visual fixes around colours, spacing and layout.
2FA enablement in users’ profile is now visible.
Misc fixes and optimisations.
1.0.27 - 2023-11-27
Patch Insights - Update-focussed reporting solution for non-Premium SKU customers. The same installer is used, the version of Insights shown to the user is dependent on the Patch My PC Licence.
CVE Dashboard improvement - BaseScore and TemporalScore tooltips added to describe what these mean for threat analytics.
Bug fixes:
Switched Active Directory authentication to use UPN instead of email address for Active Directory users. If your user's UPN is different from their email address, then a new user will be created in Advanced Insights.
Fixed bug removing settings inputs for Azure AD if "disabled" is not selected
Fix issue in Global collection not being set
Switched to using CNIsOnline for device online check in device modal to more reliably display online status. Also show online status in device modal title
Fixed settings page not working for non admin role users
Fixed license revalidate when not an admin user
Modal fixes for View Chart Data for Servicing channel and Release Version
Checkbox visibility improved
Multiple revisions to the SQL queries related to performance
Multiple smaller fixes
1.0.26 - 2023-10-02
Installer Improvements
Certificates dialog – complete redesign.
Key certificate properties are shown within the dialog and flag any warnings
Upgrade dialog updated.
Now includes info on the current certificate and if there’s any attributes of the certificate which require attention and an option to change the in-use certificate.
Current certificate properties can be viewed in this screen:
Product Improvements
Support for non-English versions of Windows "Enterprise" in the Operating System support statements
OSD Dashboard now shows progress for Task Sequences without the standard Apply OS step
Threat Analytics dashboard now shows an error if SQL Functional Level is not at least 130
Further proxy fixes
Known Issues
Accessing the welcome page will reset proxy bypass to false, causing the application to fail to render any dashboards for customers who require this setting to be enabled. To fix, please go to Administration -> Settings -> External Services -> Re-enable Localhost Bypass and save -> Restart the controller website via IIS Manager on the server hosting Advanced Insights.
1.0.25 - 2023-09-15
Product Improvements
Proxy settings now allow both Localhost via proxy and Localhost proxy bypass. Proxies are now enabled for Localhost by default.
Fixed application initialisation regression (spinning circle on load).
Installer Improvements
The installer has new logic to exclude selection of certificates with weak signature algorithms ('SHA1', 'SHA1RSA' etc) and include certificates with algorithms at SHA256 and above.
During the IIS Configuration phase, the installer will now add required MIME Types and HTTP Verbs.
MIME Types
.json - (API, Controller and Warranty site objects)
.jsonId - (API, Controller and Warranty site objects)
.woff - (Frontend site object)
.woff2 - (Frontend site object)
HTTP Verbs
'OPTIONS' = True are set automatically under ‘Request Filtering’ for both API and Controller site objects.
1.0.24 - 2023-09-13
Product Improvements
Fix for issue with Advanced Insights when installed on the same server as Patch My PC Publisher. Changes to registry permissions in the Publisher led to an exception in the Advanced Insights portal.
1.0.23 - 2023-08-30
Installer Improvements
The installer upgrade experience is now shorter. Upgrade will also complete using /q for a completely unattended upgrade.
Product Improvements
Removed faulty Certificates class from custom inventory
Modified faulty Local Group class to exclude domain controllers
Improvement to proxy handling for proxy servers which route localhost entries.
The login page was limited to 32 character passwords, this restriction has been removed
Warranty tab would not load if General tab had not first been loaded
Office 365 page load failure
1.0.22 - 2023-08-18
Installer Improvements
First install now finds most appropriate free port for the frontend website, will default to 443 if available, then 444, then 44303 and up.
Certificate selection dialog is now locale independent
Product Improvements
Proxy support has been improved. If the Welcome Experience cannot access it will automatically prompt for proxy details at first use. The proxy types supported are http, socks4 and socks5. Please add the correct protocol to the start of your proxies network address e.g. http://x.x.x.x, socks4://x.x.x.x, socks5://x.x.x.x. Ports can be added at the end of the network address e.g. http://x.x.x.x:1234"
Software inventory reports failed with application version strings greater than 32 characters.
Console users and device affinity sometimes missing from device view.
Connected display view in device view was sometimes incorrect in screen display order.
Missing data in "Missing Configuration Items" view in Microsoft Updates page.
NULL Content Sources paths cause exception in Inventory Extensions tab.
License File handling improved for license refresh scenarios.
When using AzureAD Authentication first name and surname mapping was incorrect.
Added functionality to differentiate between workstations and servers on the pending restart reports.
Data Export function missing from Collections, Connected Displays, Batteries data, Physical storage devices.
Fixed a bug that caused roles with an AD group to not be assigned to the user if any other roles were set as default.
1.0.21 - 2023-07-14
Product Improvements
Bug with Warranty Service when installing on ConfigMgr database host. If you are not affected by this then you do not need to upgrade. Can also be fixed by carrying out the following process:
In IIS Admin go to Application Pools, find the Advanced Insights Warranty App Pool, select it and click Advanced Settings
Scroll down to the Identity property and change it from NETWORK SERVICE to LOCAL SYSTEM and click OK to that change
Browse to %ProgramData%\AdvancedInsights\Data\Warranty and delete the AdvancedInsightsWarranty.db file
Now go back into Advanced Inisghts and go to Administration - Settings - External Services and uncheck the "Warranty - Is Enabled" checkbox. Save this setting.
Now go back to that tab and re-enable Warranty and Warranty Caching. Save this.
Go back to the Warranty Dashboard and click the Bulk Processing dashstat in the top left.
1.0.20 - 2023-07-12
Installer Improvements
Installer will install Internet Information Server if it is not already present
SQL Connection dialog allows user to check permissions to database as well as connectivity
Certificates dialog excludes a wider range of invalid certificates (checks DNS/SAN names are FQDN)
Enhanced support for non-English languages (especially French)
Product Improvements
Fixed the following bugs:
Distribution Point view showing incorrect drive letter
Device view title not populating with client name
Inventory script for getting battery health times out
CVE view does not load when opening CVE tab from Update view
Remote control helper download link was invalid
AD authenticating users may have group-assigned roles added multiple times
Invalid security permissions removed for "Security Analyst" dashboard
User with access to Collection dashboard has rights to modify collection membership even if that right is not granted
Unable to see all data in Content Sources - CloudDP - Host table
Missing descriptive text on OS Boot Performance dashstats
Task sequence action errors show incorrect year date
AD integrated environments do not assign default roles if group-assigned roles are applicable
Dashboards fail to load when installed on French Language server OS
View Chart Data option on Windows Servicing chart shows correct data
New Features / Changes
Operating System Page now has Pending Restart data
Software - Client Inventory now includes User Installed Applicaiton info
Added SMTP Configuration settings
IIS Application Pool identities are now NETWORK SERVICE and LOCAL SERVICE instead of LOCAL SYSTEM for API, Warranty and Frontend websites. Controller can run under NETWORK SERVICE (requires manual modification) if running on a server which is not the SCCM site server.
Log files now created in %ProgramData%\AdvancedInsights\Logs folder and with .log extension
Warranty database now created in %ProgramData%\AdvancedInsights\Data
Usability improvements to Welcome experience
1.0.19 - 2023-06-06
Installer Improvements
Installer will remember last used certificate and SQL server details from this version on - support for silent upgrade for version 1.0.20 onward.
Previous used certificate is highlighted in certificate dialog to help with setup.
Product Improvements
Fixed bug for device view title not loading correctly in certain scenarios
Remote control helper download and functionality fixed (see this document for details)
Bug where AD user accounts have roles reassigned at each login is resolved
Removed unneeded role entries
Added SMTP configuration settings for email notification to users on account creation and password reset
Fixed bug with users having rights to add devices to collections via collection dashboard when this right was not granted
Internal build, not released publicly.
Internal build, not released publicly.
1.0.16 - 2023-05-19
Installer Improvements
Installer now shows details of in-use certificate on upgrade so that re-selecting the correct cert is simpler if that is the correct action. You can still pick a different certificate if required.
We stop the App Pools on upgrade to try to alleviate issues with upgrade failing because of files in use.
Product Improvements
Fixed a bug when navigating to a CVE record from an Update record
1.0.15 - 2023-05-16
Removed the facility to upload custom logos, as this caused a problem rendering dashboard pages.
User Role functionality errors required a user to have access to Settings area, this is no longer required.
New roles did not function as expected and required an AD Group to be assigned, this is now fixed.
Validation of Active Directory Group name fails when associating a role to a group, this has been fixed.
CORS errors and dashboard load failure when the front end website is installed on port 443, this is now fixed.
HP Devices show invalid data in Warranty dashboard. As the HP Warranty API is now deprecated this functionality has been removed.
Export option missing from Application Compliance views.
Added username to Application Compliance and Update Compliance view.
Added collection filters to Hardware dashboards.
Added RBAC filtering to Collections dashboard.
Added Average Performance column to Operating System - Boot Performance dashboard.
1.0.1 - 2023-05-01
Initial release of Advanced Insights
Last updated
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