Telemetry Data collected by Patch My PC Cloud

Details the telemetry data collected at the time you onboard to Patch My PC (PMPC) Cloud and during usage of the platform and its features

Applies to: Patch My PC Cloud

In order to function and to help improve our product and services, PMPC Cloud collects and stores the following telemetry data.

Data TypeWhyActivity TypeStorage Location

Patch My PC User Azure ID

We store the Azure ID of Patch My PC users for authorization purposes.


Region selected during customer creation

Patch My PC User Names, Surnames, and email addresses

To identify who our customers designate as an admin on our platform.


Region selected during customer creation

Specifically provided notification email addresses

To allow specific email addresses to be configured for in product notifications, such as when apps are updated.


Region selected during customer creation

User profile icon

To personalize the experience and make it easier for users to recognize their accounts.


Region selected during customer creation

User-uploaded app icons

For easy visual identification of the application.


Region selected during customer creation

User-uploaded binaries

To enable Win32 apps to be added and managed in Intune.


Region selected during customer creation

User-uploaded images for branding

Can include company logos and branding elements, making Conflicting Processes notifications easily recognizable and ensuring users know the message is from a trusted source.


Region selected during customer creation

Company information

For billing purposes.


Region selected during customer creation

Customer License Information

To ensure the correct levels of access to features and services.


Region selected during customer creation

Customer Publisher ID

As the application can connect to multiple publishers, we store the customer's publisher ID to identify it.


Region selected during customer creation

Azure AD security Group

As we can assign apps to groups, to allow an admin to select groups, we need to query them. This is done using a real-time Graph API query.


Browser processes Azure AD security group information based on the user's device location

Azure AD security Group

As apps can be assigned to groups, we store group information in order to identify them.


Region selected during customer creation

Audit Events

To enable admins to monitor changes, detect suspicious activity, and diagnose problems.


Region selected during customer creation

Last updated

© Patch My PC 2024