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© Patch My PC 2024
Last updated
Applies to: Patch My PC Cloud
The Configurations page of the Patch My PC (PMPC) Cloud deployment wizard allows you to configure various configuration settings (explained below) for how you want the app to be deployed.
The most common settings are displayed by default. You can configure additional, optional settings by clicking the relevant tab under the Tools section and following the relevant article.
Disable Self-Updates
If an app supports built-in auto-updates, this option will be shown and enabled by default, disabling any auto-updates.
This option will not be displayed if the app does not support built-in auto-updates.
Remove Desktop Shortcut
If checked, will remove the desktop shortcut created as part of the app installation.
Allow Available Uninstall
If checked, allows Intune Apps to uninstall the app if the Company Portal installed it.
The installation of some apps cannot be completed if the app:
is currently running
uses a shared process that needs to be closed, but in doing so, could impact that process and other apps using it.
This setting lets you control what happens in such scenarios, using one of the following options.
Perform the installation
Performs the installation regardless.
Auto-close conflicting application process before installation
Automatically closes the app/process causing the conflict to allow this app to be installed. IMPORTANT This can result in data loss so use with care.
Skip installation when conflicting processes are in use
The installation is skipped until the conflicting process is no longer in use.
Notify the user to close the application
The default option. The user sees a notification requesting they close the app that is preventing this install. NOTE If the user snoozes/defers the update, the installation returns as a failure and retries 24 hours later.
Allows you to configure the following Advanced Settings for Conflicting Processes.
Notify Timeout Configuration
How long in seconds (300 by default), before the notification timeouts.
Notification Policy
Notification behavior if the application running and focus assist is enabled
How the notification behaves if the app is currently running and Focus Assist is enabled: o Discard the Notification (default) o Always show the notification o Show the notification if the deferred policy is reached
Do not allow user deferral
The user cannot defer the installation. The app will close and update when the timeout expires.
Allow the user to defer the installation
Controls both: o How many times the user can defer the installation. o What happens if the timeout expires and the user hasn't taken an action.
Prevent the application from being opened while it is updating
Prevents the app from opening whilst it is being updated.
Clicking the Conflicting Process button lets you see any conflicting processes we have identified that will prevent an app from updating.
You can also add additional entries or remove existing entries to suit your environment.
Configure any of the optional tabs under the Tools section then click Next to move to the Assignments page.