Check if an Update Ring has been created

How to check if an Update Ring has been created in Patch My PC Cloud

Applies to: Patch My PC Cloud

In Patch My PC (PMPC) Cloud, the Delayed option for Update Rings doesn’t create an Update Ring until any configured delay has passed.

As a result, you cannot edit a deployment that uses Delayed Update Rings until all rings have been created.


If you try editing a deployment that uses Delayed Update Rings and not all of the rings have been completed, you will see the following error:

Error - Editing is not allowed until all rings are created after the configured delay.

To determine if a specific Update Ring has been created:

  1. Use the Edit a deployment process to navigate to the properties page of the deployment.

  2. Each Update Ring is represented by a separate tab and the status of the ring shows you whether it has been created or not: • Success – The ring has been created. • Scheduled – The ring has not been created. In the following example, Ring 1 has been created as it has a status of Success.

    However, as Ring 2 has a status of Scheduled, it has yet to be created as the configured delay has not passed.


If you look in the top right-hand corner of the deployment, the timestamp shows when the deployment was created. From this and looking at the number of days delay configured for a ring, you can work out when a specific ring will be created.

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