Deleting the Patch My PC Cloud Enterprise Application

How to delete the Patch My PC Cloud Enterprise Application from the Azure Portal

To delete the Patch My PC Cloud Enterprise Application from the Azure Portal:

  1. Sign in to the relevant Intune tenant using the credentials you used to onboard to Patch My PC (PMPC) Cloud.

  2. Click on the Patch My PC Cloud Enterprise Application.

  3. On the Overview page, click Properties.

  4. Click Delete from the command bar.

  5. Click Yes when prompted Delete Patch My PC Cloud?

    The Deleting application message will be displayed whilst the Enterprise Application is deleted.

  6. Refresh the Azure portal (as it doesn’t auto-refresh), which will show that the PMPC Cloud Enterprise Application has been deleted successfully.

If you sign out and back into the same Intune tenant, you will see the Permissions requested prompt.


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