Company Reference

Details the available options in the Company node of the Patch My PC Cloud portal

Applies to: Patch My PC Cloud

The Company node of the Patch My PC (PMPC) Cloud portal contains the following fields.

Company Name

The name of your company, as specified during onboarding.

Billing Email

The email address for PMPC to use for billing purposes.


The country where your company is located, as specified during onboarding.

Company ID

The unique ID of your company. Created by us at the time your company is onboarded.

Location of Data Storage

The geographical region where your company stores its data, as specified during onboarding.

Preview Features

Unchecked by default and controls if your company gets automatic access to Preview Features.


See Enable Preview Features for more information.

Customer Support

Allows you to grant PMPC support access to your portal to help troubleshoot issues.

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