WMI Class Definitions

Definition and technical description of each of our custom WMI Classes

Applies to: Advanced Insights

Properties marked with *

These properties can vary by hardware manufacturer. Data generation methods may differ between manufacturers and not all manufacturers may be supported. Users should consult the manufacturer's documentation for accurate interpretation of these properties where applicable.


DeviceID: Identifier that uniquely names the physical disk.

BusType: The interface the disk is connected by.

MediaType: Media type of the physical disk

*Manufacturer: The name of the manufacturer

*HealthStatus: A high-level indication of device health.

*OperationalStatus: Status further explaining a given health status.

*Model: This field represents the model number of the hardware

*PowerOnHours: Length of time, in hours, the storage device has been powered on since manufacture.

*ReadErrorsTotal: Total read errors encountered by the device.

*SerialNumber: Serial Number of the battery

*Temperature: The current temperature of the storage device in Celsius

*TemperatureMax: The maximum temperature in Celsius at which the storage device is capable of normal operation.

*Wear: Storage device wear indicator, in percentage. At 100 percent, the estimated wear limit will have been reached.

*WriteErrorsTotal: Total write errors encountered by the device.

These properties are collected via SMART. Not all devices may support SMART monitoring


BatteryID: String identifying the battery.

DesignCapacity: The design capacity of the battery in milliwatt-hours.

FullChargeCapacity: The full charge capacity of the battery in milliwatt-hours.

Health: Comparison of the FullChargeCapacity to the DesignCapacity property is used to determine the health of the battery. (100 = Healthy)

*Chemistry: Describes the batteries chemistry.

*Manufacturer: The name of the manufacturer

*ManufacturerDate: The date the battery was manufactured

*SerialNumber: Serial Number of the battery


DataSourceName: Name of the ODBC

Database: The Display Name of the Application

Description: The reported version of the application.

Driver: The driver used for the ODBC

DriverVersion: The specific file version of the driver

Platform: Specifies whether the ODBC is 64/32 bit

User: The name of the user that owns the ODBC (if applicable).


InstallLocation: The folder location in which the application is installed

DisplayName: The Display Name of the Application

DisplayVersion: The reported version of the application.

InstallDate: The date the application was installed.

Publisher: The name of the publisher of the application.

QuietUninstallString: command line string to uninstall the application.

UninstallString: command line string for silent uninstall of the application.

User: The name of the user that installed the application.


GroupName: Name of the local group.

Members: List of user members belonging to that local group.

GroupMembers: List of sub groups that are members of the local group

If a member cannot be identified the SID will be displayed instead.


Please note that collection of this data requires additional software from the vendors to be installed on clients:

DeviceName: Identified name of the dock device.

*Firmware: The firmware version currently installed on the dock

*Manufacturer: Manufacturer of the dock

*SerialNumber: Serial Number of the dock if applicable (For dell this is the same as service tag)

PnPID: Device "PnP" Id, this is only used if we werent able to identify the dock model


InstanceName: Unique Identifier for the monitor

DeviceName: Name of the monitor

InchSize: Diagonal size of monitor

ConnectionType: The cable used to connect to monitor

Primary: Whether this monitor is configured as the primary display. True or False.

ResolutionHorizontal: Maximum horizontal pixel count

ResolutionVertical: Maximum vertical pixel count

*Model: Model of the monitor

*SerialNumber: Serial number of monitor (service tag for DELL)

*Manufacturer: Name of manufacturer

*ManufactureYear: Year the monitor was made


UpdateId: unique ID that represents the update

Title: Title of the update.

Status: Missing or Installed.

Service: The Update Service used to discover this update.

Product: Product associated with the update

ProductID: ProductID associated with the update

InstalledOn: Date the update was Installed On

DatePosted: Date the updated was release or revised

ArticleId: KB article ID identifying the update


GUID: unique ID that represents the Wifi Interface

Description: Name / description of the interface

Authentication: Type of authentication used (e.g., WPA2, WEP, Open)

Band: Frequency band used (e.g., 2.4GHz, 5GHz)

Channel: Current operating channel

Cipher: Encryption cipher used (e.g., AES, TKIP)

ConnectionMode: Mode of connection

Driver Version: Version of the driver software controlling the interface

PhysicalAddress: MAC address of the interface

RadioType: Type of wireless radio (e.g., 802.11n, 802.11ac)

Signal: Percentage signal strength of the connection

SSID: Name of the wireless network

State: Current state of the interface (e.g., connected, disconnected)


SID: Security Identifier associated with the user profile

Path: File path where the user profile is stored

LastLoggedIn: Date and time of the user's last login

AccountName: Name of the user account

SizeGB: Size of the user profile in gigabytes



Supported Browsers:

  • Chrome

  • Edge

  • Brave

  • Firefox

  • Opera

InstallPath: Path of the extension content and manifest

Name: Name of the extension

Author: The reported author of the browser extension acording to the manifest

Browser: The browser that the extension is installed in.

User: The user that has the extension installed. (All browser extensions are per user)

ID: ID of the Browser Extension associated with Chrome / Edge store

Version: The version of the browser extension

Last updated

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