Onboarding to Custom Apps

Details how to onboard to Custom Apps


You should have already onboarded your company to the Patch My PC (PMPC) Cloud as detailed in Onboarding to Cloud before continuing.

To onboard to Custom Apps for Patch My PC (PMPC) Cloud, you need to obtain your company’s unique Company ID from the PMPC Cloud portal.

There are two ways to obtain your Company ID:

Retrieving your Company ID from the App Catalog

To retrieve your Company ID from the App Catalog:

  1. Sign in to the Portal at https://portal.patchmypc.com/.

  2. On the App Catalog page, click Connect under Publisher.

    The Publisher connection popup appears showing the required steps and your unique Company ID.

  3. Make a note of your Company ID (you can click to copy it) and follow the Integrating Publisher process to complete your onboarding to Custom Apps.

Retrieving your Company ID from the Connections menu

To retrieve your Company ID from the Connections menu:

  1. Sign in in to the Portal at https://portal.patchmypc.com/.

  2. Navigate to Settings | Connections.

    The Connections screen loads, showing you do not have any connections from the Publisher. It also states what is required to add a connection.

  3. Make a note of your Company ID (you can click to copy it) and follow the Integrating Publisher process to complete your onboarding to Custom Apps.

Last updated